Monday, April 30, 2012


Did you know that you are a significant part of the Kingdom?  That you have a daily assignment to spread love and joy AND that it's an integral and important part of healing the people right here at home and all over the world?  Just making sure you know that you're significant, that you matter, that you count!

I think sometimes (or all the time for me - haha) it's hard to remind ourselves that we matter.  Mostly because we don't want to come across (either publicly or privately) as entitled, as proud, as fake Christians.  Can anybody identify with that?  Wanting to lay as low as possible to avoid any and all attention to the fact that you might be doing something great for someone else?  We figure that as long as we're humble people, always denying a compliment, always passing on a really cool opportunity to someone "more deserving", always making excuses for why we're good at something that we are somehow living the life of Jesus and saving people.  I'm here to tell you that that mentality is wrong, SO WRONG.  Now, please don't get the wrong idea...I will be the first to tell you that all of those things that I just wrote are present in my mind and words and actions everyday and that it's a daily battle to think otherwise.  The Bible speaks of the above mentality and it calls is false humility.  We have to realize that we ARE significant!  We have to realize that we are called to do even greater things, that we are capable of healing the sick, of encouraging the disheartened, of loving the unloveable, of giving when we ourselves are in need.  That's real life Christianity, that's real life humilty, that's real life Jesus!

It's incredible just how the Lord will use us when we put wrong mentalities aside as just commit to serving and loving as Jesus did.  It's amazing who God through us will impact.  It's amazing what assignments we will be asked to fulfill, what role we will be asked to play.  I challenge you today to lay it all aside.  Lay your false humility aside.  Pick up a heart of servitude instead.  I don't care if you're a student or a young adult or a growing professional or a successful business person or a world renowned speaker, and neither does God.  You've been called on this day to wash feet, to bless extraordinarily, to empower with your words.  You have something on the inside of you that HAS to come out.  It's not designed for you, it's designed to encourage someone elseLet it out.

Last night, I just let the Lord speak to me and use me however he wanted.  He ended up calling me out of a group of people to lay hands on every person in the church and pray for the renewal of their hearts and for increased vision.  I never in my life would have done this on my own, but there's no denying your assignment when the Lord literally pulls you out of a group of people eager to encounter the Lord and sets your feet with someone of the most influential people you know to be a part of the impartation.  It's a night I'll never forget because it marked the start of a new me.  I'm laying my "personality" aside, I'm washing feet now.  I'm blessing people whenever and however I can.  I'm giving of all of my resources because I don't really need them.  I'm commiting to a Jesus life. 

I'm writing this blog today to ask for your accountability.  I am, of course, still human, but no longer will I hide behind my humanity as an excuse to not step up and take initiative for Jesus.  I'm also challenging and encouraging you to do the very same thing.  Lay your own agenda aside right now and ask to be used in this moment and every other future moment for God.  Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven!

1 comment:

Cannon said...

good reminder, laura! thanks for sharing!