Thursday, March 29, 2012

make me over.

First and foremost, THANK YOU to my long time friend Becky who is an absolute creative genius and completely responsible for the awesome blog design that you're looking at.  She's not only a great designer, but has been a consistent encouragement in my life for over 8 years and is always blessing me.  I'm so grateful for Becky and so many others who fill my life with joy.

Welcome to a completely made over blog!  I am so excited about the changes to my actual page and am growing more and more excited about the made over life that is accompanying my blog.  To say that in the last few weeks I've been challenged is the understatement of the century.  I've been changed completely, all from the revelation that the Lord loves me.

You're probably thinking, "you just learned that the Lord loves you?"  Well no, and yes.  I did just learn that the Lord loves me with a powerful, undeniable, self-sacrificing, do anything, overwhelming, irrefutable kind of love.  There's nothing you can do or say to dispute my experience of the Lord's love, and after last night and the last few weeks, I can't help but be on fire for what we are about to see in the Kingdom and the kinds of lives that are going to be phenomenally impacted in the coming months.

I know that in order for me to travel to Ecuador and to reach that country for Jesus, a few things have to happen on my end.  Here's my list (these are prayer requests):
  1. I have to go with an open mind. 
  2. I have to expect to experience the power of God.
  3. I have to commit to being a strong and encouraging member of a unified team.
  4. I have to embrace my calling as one of the few.
  5. I have to enjoy the sweetness of the Lord and embody his love.  
All it takes for the Lord to move is for His people to be hungry.  Our team is hungry for the Lord to move and the people of Ecuador are hungry (recognized or unrecognized) for the healing and restoring power of Jesus.  Friends, please pray for us as we continue to prepare for a life-changing, but beautiful journey.  

Support update:  I'm a little more than 1/3 of the way to my goal, all thanks to the generosity of a few sweet people.  As always, if you would like to be a part of something bigger than yourself, my team is still in need of significant financial support in order to go and serve in Ecuador.  If you would like to partner with us, please click on the "Donate" tab above for more information.

Be loved by Jesus right now.  Be loved and be restored.  You've been redeemed.  You've been renamed.  All you have to do is walk forward, believe in grace, and hunger for more.  He'll fulfill your every desire.

[Ecuador Countdown:  Departing in 93 days!]

Friday, March 23, 2012


Hi Friends,

I'm honored and humbled that the Lord has blessed me with 24 years of life.  24 years of experiences that have shaped me and made me who I am today.  24 years of incredible family and friends.  I couldn't be more grateful to be who I am, where I am and surrounded by the people that I am. 

We are blessed in the United States to have birthdays that mean presents and friends and celebration and love.  The truth is that all over the world, people are not that fortunate.  All over the world there are people in need and as one who has been exceedingly blessed with all that I could ever need, it's my job to go and reach them.  This summer, I've been given an opportunity to change lives, but more than that, to be changed.  I will be traveling to Quito, Ecuador and meeting people right where they are to share the incredible love of Jesus.  I'll be getting to love on people and pray for them and serve their needs. 

My birthday wasn't about gifts, but simply a reminder that I am exceedingly and abundantly blessed. I would be honored if you would consider partnering with me today financially and prayerfully to help send me to Ecuador.

SO, here's an opportunity for YOU!  I've been alive for 24 wonderful years.  Please consider a life-changing donation of $24 -- that's just $1 for each year I've been alive.

I love you.  The beautiful people of Ecuador love you.  Jesus loves you.  It doesn't get better than that.

Please click the "donate!" tab above to help impact lives.

If you would like for your donation to be tax deductible, please send a check to the following address: Cornerstone Summit Church, 869 Highway 105 Ext Suite 3, Boone, NC 28607. Please make sure to include "Ecuador" in the memo line of the check and to make sure my name is clearly marked on an attachment.

Again, thank you for your generosity and support!

Monday, March 19, 2012

An easy way to partner with me!

Hey friends!  Thanks for all of your prayers and continued support.  I'm really excited to now offer you the option of donating toward our team's effort to spread love to Ecuador online!  This is quick, easy and secure through PayPal.  See the mission of our trip below and please prayerfully consider giving toward the great cause!





Thank you, thank you, thank you!  You are SUCH a blessing!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

the best woman i've ever known.

Every family has a matriarch.  A woman who holds the family together.  She has grace for mistakes, she walks with dignity, experiences don't get the best of her, but she triumphs through experience.  She always knows the right things to say.  She knows well and walks in the power of forgiveness.  She holds her head high, even in the worst of times, because she knows that people are looking up to her.  She is the glue, the rock and the wisdom.  She was my Grandbee.

As one of two girls in a family full of boys, I always had a special connection with my Gram.  She taught me all the things in life that a girl, a lady (as she would say), should know.  I benefitted greatly from helping her with her morning crossword and playing endless hours of cards.  She instilled in me a passion for music and loved me even when I was banging obnoxiously on the beautiful family piano.  I was mad as fire when she made me sit on the back porch and say 10 nice things about my brother just after we'd argued -- but now I see that she saw the beauty of reconciliation way before I did.  She taught me what to look for in life, to never settle for mediocrity, to pursue my dreams (even if they seemed crazy) and to always keep my standards high.  She had southern class, but most importantly, she loved the Lord with all of her heart and that love was transferred to each of us at every interaction.

You don't realize until the time has passed how precious moments are with the ones you love.  I would give lots of things to have just one more day of those porch talks, card games, and wisdom on love and life.  My Gram wiped my tears and told me it would be ok -- and I believed her, and it always was.  She was quick to tell me to straighten up, and now I see that it was always in my best interest.

She lost three children and her husband of 51 years and still kept walking.  She did it by taking one breath at a time and putting one foot in front of the other.  No matter what I'm walking through, I always remember that there's grace for broken hearts and there's power in taking your time.  From her strength I learned to be strong.  From her determination, I always remember to keep moving forward.    

From her I take the power of love.  She always loved, even until her last breath was teaching on the power of love.  She never had to use words because her life and ministry was founded and run by love.  My Gram was the best woman I've ever known, and I highly esteem her because she deserves the respect, but also because she gave me more than I could have ever dreamed or deserved, she taught me life.  From her I also take the power of encouragement.  It's always better to uplift others, even if they don't respond, and you'll always be blessed by giving of your abundance to bless other people.  

My Gram's life was legendary, and I will forever remember her in the deepest part of my heart for her life-giving ministry.  For her to be my grandmother, I am eternally grateful.

Gram, on your birthday weekend, just seven short days away from mine, I celebrate your life.  I love you the whole world and I miss you every day.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Want to know more about Ecuador?

There's no better way for me to explain my upcoming trip than to direct you right to the source.  Click on the "Ecuador 2012" tab right above this post to learn more about my trip!  Thank you for prayerfully considering partnership with me that will have an impact that will last forever!

Ecuador Countdown:  departing in 112 days!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Reflections on an exceedingly blessed life.

So, I was sitting at my kitchen table on Saturday morning and I was addressing lots of support letters (see the online version below) and I was overcome by such an incredible feeling of gratitude.  It is seriously unbelievable to me that this girl from Summerfield, NC could be experiencing such things at such an early stage in life.  Ecuador makes my tenth mission trip in general and my third out of country trip.  To be able to sit at a desk most days and see people touch the nations and then to be able to actually GO and touch the nations are two totally different things, each offering so many reasons to be grateful.

I'm so thankful first and foremost to serve a God who allows me to be exceedingly blessed.  He doesn't have to let me walk a favored life, but He does.  Since graduating college, I've landed an awesome job that not only provides for my needs in life but lets me see that the world is so much bigger than me and that people are willing to serve on their own accord just because they're good.  I've also been able to walk through the last several years of my life plugged into a wonderful house and under the leadership of the region's most selfless and encouraging pastor.  I've also been able to travel all over and spend time pouring into people and consequently being poured into.  I also have such a supportive family who will one day understand the joy and love that fills my heart.  Finally, I've been given opportunity after opportunity to grow and develop and mature, spurred on by friends that I couldn't put a price on even if I tried.  You guys are invaluable and such an integral part of my success in life and ministry. 

As I've been praying and seeking the Lord and asking Him to really prepare my heart for this trip, I've already learned a couple really important things.  My desire for this trip is that it really be set apart from my other trips in regards to what I contribute.  I don't want to go to Ecuador beacuse it's a really cool country with really beautiful people.  I want to go to Ecuador and give every single ounce of myself to introducing those people to the overwhelming and fulfilling love of the Lord.  I don't want to go for myself, I want to be used totally as a vessel that honors the Lord.  So far I've learned that it's not about me -- from the finances to the actual duties of the trip -- it's not about me because it's about Jesus.  I can't be worried about the details because God wants to take care of them.  So I'm believing in full faith that what I encounter in Ecuador, though it may be tough to see, will be just another opportunity to love people to fullness in Christ.  I believe every mission trip changes you for the better, but I fully expect to come back and to never be the same.  I'm praying that this trip be the catalyst to a real life full of missions, wherever I'm supposed to be. 

I'll probably say thank you a lot over the next few months, but the reality is that no matter how many times I say it, I cannot even begin to express the full level of gratitude that I have for you, for every single word uttered in prayer, for every single penny in financial support, and for every single ounce of love poured out on my behalf.  YOU are the reason this life is worth it, just know it.  Thank you, with my whole heart, for committing to seeing my life be used for the glory of the Lord.

Ecuador Countdown:  Departing in 114 days!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Support Letter!

I'm very thankful to be able to share with you my support letter for my Ecuador goal in doing this is to be vulnerable to a totally different audience.  Though you may not receive one in the mail, I would still love your partnership in prayer!  If you have any questions or comments please email me at or just comment on the post below.  I am so grateful for YOU...mostly because you're reading this.  Enjoy :)

Ecuador Countdown:  Departing in 119 days!

Being Servant Leaders.

"We need a servant leadership mindset, focused not on mutual benefit but on seeing a single vision accomplished, each promoting the calling of the other partner. It is a willingness to put aside position, title, status, and even personal benefit in order to serve others and make them successful."

That quote came from a commentary from one of the directors of PAACS (Pan African Academy of Christian Surgeons).  In non-medical missions talk, PAACS is a program that we work with directly that essentially trains doctors all over Africa to be great surgeons and to offer up to par medical care in the heart of Africa.  Awesome. 

What I thought was so relevant about this quote was that a lot of times we consider others before's natural and right for most of us.  However, it's so encouraging to remember that when pursuing a life and calling of servant leadership, we have to stay focused on the fact that we are stripping ourselves, putting aside all fleshly feelings and actions in order to build the Kingdom here on earth, for someone else.  What a great concept.  When we shift our mindsets to include our responsibility to oversee the success of others, we have the opportunity to be so encouraged.

Today, I challenge you to consider yourself responsible for someone else's success.  The words you speak, the attitude you have, your level of gratefulness, your willingness to serve, and your committment to honor all play a significant role.  People are watching and being inspired and learning.  We're all responsible not to keep servant leadership to ourselves, but to bless someone else with our life.

Happy Thursday readers :)