Thursday, December 29, 2011

'Tis the season to be grateful

Christmas is all about recognizing and celebrating Jesus and all he did for us.  I'm a firm believer that he continues to do great things and bless us in the most amazing ways.  Christmas isn't about focusing on how much of a mess your family is or on how stressful the circumstances in life are, Christmas is about realizing that aside from all the "stuff" in life are the blessings and they're only made possible because Jesus was born, lived and died for us.  What an amazing privelege it is to be grateful for the blessings.  This year, I celebrate the fact that I have been blessed with the best brother in the entire world.  He makes me laugh when I don't feel like it and always brings joy to my days.  Knowing that in the midst of chaos there is stability is the most reassuring thing.  Holidays and family time would be impossibly difficult without him!  Thanks Jesus for blessing our family with John, the level headed, hilarious, most generous and loving, best brother in the world!

Merry Christmas from my family to yours!