Wednesday, September 11, 2013

louder than a lion

Woke up this morning to an unexpected day off...I'll take it!  My car's been needing some work for a long time so I chose to use this day off to take care of my little orange bolt!  Which, for me, means sitting for a very long time in the AAA customer lounge.  As I was sitting here, I just started thinking about the topic of courage.

You might probably guess that I was thinking Biblical courage.  I'm going to have to be honest and tell you that, no, my thoughts on courage today are actually brought to you by Katy Perry.  Let me start from the beginning...

A few months ago I really just thought of Katy Perry as another teen pop star who would probably wear out after a couple of years.  Then a friend of mine suggested I watch her documentary because it would really make me appreciate her more.  My thoughts about that suggestion were "she kissed a girl and she liked it" and she's "hot or she's cold", what else could there be?  Since I had nothing better to do, I actually watched the documentary...and it really did change my perspective on dear Katy (and I also cried...hard). 

The overarching theme throughout this entire documentary was courage.  Katy's life was a life marked by courage (go watch the documentary yourself, you'll see).  It reminded me of this simple truth: I, too, want to live a life that is marked by courage.  

So what classifies a life marked by courage?  Is courage just simple bravery?  Is it standing up for what's right in the face of adversity?  Is it taking risks in the sheer belief that the outcome is worth it?  In my reflection on what it means to be courageous, I've come up with this:  Courage is believing that life is meant to be fulfilling.  It's looking fear in the eye and telling it "no way, you have no place here."  It's being confident in what your calling is and also being willing to follow hard after your calling.  It's knowing that sometimes you're going to have to travel off the path and think outside the box to achieve your dreams.  The life marked by courage is a life lived in ambition, determination, generosity and love.  

When I say I want to live a life marked by courage, I want people to look at me and think all those things.  And even if others don't yet recognize it, I want to live in the confidence that I am following hard after a strong and courageous life.  

Life in abundance as I said yesterday is forsaking normal.  Today I am adding in that life in abundance is life marked by courage.  

Today I'm taking some motivation from Katy Perry:

I've got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire
Cause I am a champion and you’re gonna hear me ROAR
Louder, louder than a lion
Cause I am a champion and you’re gonna hear me ROAR.

Let the world hear you ROAR today and live the life marked by courage!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

the realities of a new adventure

I grew up in Greensboro.  Went to high school here, loved this city before and enjoyed coming home for breaks during college.  Moving back for this new life adventure has been an adjustment to say the least.  It's almost like I don't really have any of the same connections as I did before and my experiences have been very different.  So, this last month has been a lot of learning and trying new things and meeting new people and going new places all in hopes that soon I will establish community and routine here.  Here are some of the things I have learned over the last month:

1.  Graduate school is a whole different beast than undergrad.

Arriving at Appalachian as an 18 year old baby undergrad student was overwhelming, I'm sure.  I don't really remember how or why but I know that I developed a lot of friendships quickly.  They throw you into a dorm and you are forced to be with people you don't know until you know them.  Class work is challenging but very doable and cramming, in some instances, works.  Grad school is the complete opposite of all of those things.  I just drive to campus when I have classes and work so building relationships with people in my program has been a little slow.  There is so much reading and work that if I get 3/4 of it done in a timely manner I am really happy.  And cramming?  There are no tests!  Only research paper after research paper.  If you aren't prepared, it's on you.  100%.  There are no excuses, only preparedness.  After all, I am here to become a MASTER at something.  You don't become a master at something by only completing the process halfway. 

2.  Leaving a place you call home, even if you feel ready, is really, REALLY hard.

I've seen the effects of this more as time has gone on.  Every single day I miss Boone and friends and my church and normalcy and all things from that home.  BUT, I am blessed to be here and don't want this to come across as me being ungrateful.  I fully realize that I am here for a reason...I am still discovering that reason.  Missing people in the process has been really challenging but processes take time.  Familiarity takes time.

3.  Living with your parents in your mid-twenties can be a big blessing.

I know what you're thinking...NO WAY, not me!  I thought that too.  Until I actually moved back home.  Living at home is the single biggest blessing in this season.  It has reduced my financial burden tremendously and given me an opportunity to repair relationships that were really broken.  This situation has been a constant reminder that Jesus is FULLY at work in this transition.

4.  God is faithful to provide for us, even down to the smallest detail.

Guys, I prayed when I was just considering grad school to be able to do it completely debt free.  Not only has that happened, but I actually received a refund off of my scholarship.  A few friends said, wow that is unheard of!  I maintain that it's not unheard of because I asked God for it and he faithfully provided every single thing I needed and even more in abundance.

5.  Forsaking normalcy leads to abundant life.

My normal life even just a month ago was pretty great.  It was comfortable and familiar and full of a lot of love.  I was spiritually challenged and encouraged on the regular.   But I will tell you, in reality, as soon as I gave up what was normal and took a step in obedience, I began to see what it was like to live above normal and in abundance.  Every single person on earth has a calling.  Seeking after your calling and achieving your dreams along the way is the definition of the abundant life.  Abundant life means taking risks, sometimes not knowing what is around the corner, and putting EVERYTHING aside for the sake of what you are going after.  It is not easy, but it is a real blessing.

Finally, I found a great church here and have been attending their "get to know you" classes if you will.  This week, the lady leading said something that really reminded me why I am here.  She said:

Everything outside of hell is grace.

What a relevant reminder!  These days might not be the easiest of my life, but they are chocked full of the grace of Jesus.  And I would not rather reside anywhere else but in the grace that saved me.  

I am thankful to be here where every day is an opportunity to learn something new.  Thanks for all your prayers and encouragement.  Love to you all!