Monday, June 11, 2012

Expectancy of Olympic proportions.

Expectancy.  The feeling of sheer joy mixed with slight anxiety mixed with curiosity about the unknown mixed with that "can't sleep it's almost Christmas morning" feeling.  Yes at 24 I still get that feeling on Christmas Eve.  It's like Christmas Eve for me today (and for the next 18 days I imagine).  I'm not sure why it's just now hitting me, but I have just hit the off the charts expectancy for Ecuador!  Special shout out to my mom and aunt who are so graciously hosting and shuttling our team on the night before/morning of our trip (at 3am...serious troopers)!  What a blessing you both are (since I know you'll see this) :)

See the thing about expectancy is that I believe that the Lord gives you excitement and then as you mature, your excitement shifts into expectancy.  Expectancy means that while you are excited to go and do and be the hands and feet, you also realize that this thing is SO much bigger than yourself or your own personal contributions.  You realize that in order for the Kingdom to win you have to invest in your team, you have to believe the best, your words and your actions have to reflect kingdom grace and love and you have to be confident that YOU are the one who was called.  YOU are the few.  YOU are the catalyst for the encounter. 

I think back to high school chemistry class, where I learned about what a catalyst was.  A catalyst is something that quickly starts the process of a reaction.  You have to have the catalyst in order for the reaction to happen as it's supposed to.  So, bringing it full circle -- we know that we've been called to Ecuador to spread the love of Jesus.  The reaction that we expect is that lives are going to be impacted and changed, bodies and hearts and minds are going to be healed, people are going to be released from all of the binding forces that have held them hostage for so long and miracles are going to take place.  BUT, we also now know that we are the catalyst -- by faith we have to start the move of God there and then the reaction will ensue.  When you catch on to that revelation, it triggers expectancy! 

In fact, I don't even want to sit in my chair right now.  I want to jump up and praise the Lord and pray for the next 18 days straight.  I want to prepare myself to start this thing.  I want to train myself to be confident and bold with the word of God.  There are so many things I want to do before we go.  I do have to work for the next 18 days, though, so I will trust that the Lord is refining me, even now as I sit in this office and send medical volunteers around the world.  Okay, okay...maybe I've been a little too wrapped up in the Olympic prelims.  All I want to do is be that person who trains and trains and trains to run a 3 minute and 44 second mile and the actually see it happen...except with my spirit, of course, because we all KNOW I would die before I could run even half a mile in 3 minutes.

You know, while we're in Olympics mode, let's talk about unity.  I can absolutely 100% guarantee that there has never been a team in Olympic history (we're talking the best of the best x1000, friends) that has ever won any kind of honor or medal while being divided.  They are always unified, always encouraging one another, always supporting one another, never jealous of each other and always together, all of the time.  There isn't ever even a hint of division on those teams.  Want to know why?  Because there's no room for it.  Division, even in the smallest way, splits the team and it cannot function.  Non-functioning teams can never win.  Non-winning teams do not make it to the Olympics.  Do you follow me? 

I thought it only appropriate to tie all this together given my team's upcoming adventure to Ecuador.  We might not run 3 minute miles, but we are a unified team.  We work.  We fit.  And we are excited.  Please continue to pray as we get closer and closer to this adventure! 

Here's a video example of one of our skits.  This is not our team, but we will be doing this same thing in Ecuador.  Even though there's a barrier between languages, dramas still have a powerful impact on people of all nations.  No words, but still the power of Jesus is very evident.  Enjoy :)

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