Tuesday, June 12, 2012

be all there.

If you know me, you know my addiction to my phone.  Let's just be real -- I am constantly distracted from where I am, who I'm with, what I'm doing, driving, being in the moment and most importantly, Jesus because I am paying attention to emails from work, personal emails, facebook, twitter, instagram, text messaging and a vast amount of other things.  Now, don't get me wrong...I'm thankful that my iPhone keeps me in constant contact with things I'm responsible for and friends that I care about.  I am blessed that I have been given responsibilities and am able to stay connected -- there are lots of people who aren't that blessed.  BUT, I believe I'm taking time for granted.

This morning I was really praying about how I can best prepare for Ecuador and really engage in my 22 day challenge to seek Jesus seriously every day.  It's been great so far (today is day 5 by the way).  It's been relatively easy to wake up super early and start my day by really seeking the Lord, but like I mentioned before...there's more.  Today I thought (or maybe Jesus told me) that I could take a media fast.  If you're not familiar, it's a fast where you sacrifice media for the sake of seeking Jesus.  Instead of watching TV, being online, etc., you go to the Lord.  I thought it was an awesome idea, but would only work if I was super serious about it. 

Today, actually as of about 9am this morning, I deleted all apps off of my phone (and this is a big thing for me, guys -- actually if you're reading this you probably already know that) that distract me from being engaged fully with my life and with Jesus.  So, goodbye to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram (yikes -- that one was hard), my personal and work email and all iPhone games and unnecessary accessories.  I'm going to use my phone to call and text only.  When I'm somewhere, I want to be all there.  I want to be engaged.  I want to be invested and investing in people. I want to be with the Lord.  So, instead of picking up my iPhone, I'm now going to be where I am.  I have a computer, I can check those things intermittently at home. 

I'm committing to being a hard worker at the office, because the Lord requires that of me anyway, not focusing on my phone for a good portion of the day too.  I'm committing to be a good friend -- to really listening to people and hearing them when they talk, not sitting at dinner and being otherwise engaged.  If I listen, I can encourage.  I'm committing to having a quiet time that's REALLY quiet, not grabbing my phone to tweet a really encouraging verse that I read.  I'm committing to interceding for people, and I've got to pay attention if I want to do that.  This is a fast to challenge myself to really pay attention, and to really refine my skill of listening, both spiritually to the Lord and naturally to the incredible people that I'm surrounded by. 

18 days until Ecuador is 18 days to really focus on my purpose.  Please comment and let me know how I can be praying for YOU, I've asked for a lot of prayer myself and would love to return the favor.  I want to spend the next 18 days practicing being in the presence of the Lord and the presence of people.  Twice in the last week or so, my pastor has said "don't let Ecuador be your testing ground, let it be your proving ground."  There's an explanation for all the challenging and accountability I'm putting on myself, but even if he hadn't said that to me, this is still good for me. 

See you never, overly engaged with my iPhone and social media life!  I'm actually really excited about it!



Anonymous said...

Hello? Hello?

Anonymous said...

Hello? Hello?

Kristen Dirks said...

Good for you. sounds like a good way to commit and remember what life was like pre gadgets (if it's possible?) pray to not check out as we are in our last two weeks here. kristen & stephen.

Winter said...

You bless my heart so much!! I love this blog, and it really encourages me to try and do the same thing. I am so addicted to my phone, and taking some time away from it would be good for me. Thank you for sharing-Love you girl!