Thursday, May 17, 2012

thoughts on investment.

Before you read the title and think I'm blogging about money, let me just dismantle that thought...I am not talking about money.  Relax, read on :)

Today is a new day!  You know, when I really started being serious about Jesus somwhere mid-college and pursuing after a life that modeled his, I ran into this revelation of seasons.  That for every time there is a season and for every season there is a purpose.  I had never really thought of my life before as divided into seasons...well, aside from the normal Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter (haha).  The more I mature and develop, both naturally and spiritually, I recognize the importance of unhindered investment during seasons.

I think of all the opportunities that I've been presented with in my life and always remember the significant people who intentionally invested in me in order to see my success in that particular season.  AND I am overwhelmed with gratitude.  I think of how those investors taught me what I know and gave me what I have and spoke to my potential and believed in me constantly.  I think of how my investors refused to see me dwell on my failures and rejoiced when I succeeded.  I think of how they encouraged me constantly and lovingly rebuked me when I needed correction.  I realize that I am where I am today sitting at the desk I am right this second because of intentional investment.  I realize that it's time for me to invest.

In my last blog I talked about goodbyes always being such a hard and emotional thing for me.  Call me sensitive or whatever you want to call me, but they are.  Yesterday, I said goodbye to the sweetest season of growth and professional development and to a faithful friend.  Today, I stepped into a world of really growing up and taking on challenges by myself that one year, six months, three weeks ago I never would have said I could handle.  I think I figured out the overwhelming challenge in goodbyes for me is that I view my relationships as intentional investment.  If I'm your friend, I want to do all that I can to prove to you that I'm a good friend...but I've been doing it the wrong way.  I've been seeking the approval of others instead of relaxing, trusting, abiding in the Jesus who taught about seasons and investment.  I've been investing my emotions and not my life. 

So here I am, new job, new day, new view on investment.  Today, I'm deciding to overhaul my view of investment.  To put my actions where my emotions and words are.  To be an investor in others so that they can experience the blessings they deserve to experience.  In this new season, I choose to value the sweetness of those who have poured themselves into me and I choose to take that encouragement and pour it onto others.  I'm valuing what it means to see the incredible sweetness of Jesus and of the God who loves us in everyday life and tasks.  I'm redefining "everyday" and not looking at the monotony and challenge but looking at the blessing and goodness in every purposed season and step. 

Here's some great assurance from my QT this morning:  "I couldn't be more sure of my ground -- the one I've trusted in can take care of what he's trusted me to do right to the end."  2 Timothy 1:12

I hope you're encouraged by that.  I hope you're encouraged today that you are where you are because God has intentionally placed people to invest in you and get you there.  Keep guarding that good deposit that's been made in you so that you can deposit and invest in others.  Happy Thursday :)

"Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you -- guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us."  2 Timothy 1:14

1 comment:

Anonymous said...