Tuesday, March 11, 2014

On Community!

Oh hey there, blog world!  First and foremost, sorry for the long hiatus from writing.  While writing is mostly cathartic for me, I have heard feedback from several people over the last few weeks that they miss my blog.  SO, here I am...with a great topic that I hope encourages you!

Have you ever pondered on the true meaning of community?  I mean, of course you've thought about what community is and who YOUR community is, I'm sure.  But, have you ever considered the implications of community on your everyday life?  Confession:  when I left Boone last August I was tired in so many ways.  And when I get tired, I tend to give myself at about 10% effort.  After months and months of reflection, I've come to a few conclusions on community:
  1. Community is totally about who and not necessarily about where.  I have lived in Greensboro for 8 months now (wowzers) and have yet to find defineable community here.  However, the community that I left in Boone is consistent about keeping up with me and continuing to do life with me from a distance.
  2. Community will support you, encourage you, love you, AND rebuke you!  This was a hard lesson for me.  I used to directly equate rebukes, no matter how lovingly they were done, as equal to lack of appreciation and love.  Not the truth.  Good community will love you AND rebuke you.  We can't move forward in maturity if we aren't aware of how to better be who we're called to be.
  3. Community can be comprised of people you know well and people you don't know well.  For example, I used to work at a job where I stationed medical volunteers all over the world.  I never got to meet most of them.  However, some of those volunteers taught me more about who I am and who the Lord is than people I've been connected to for years.  People who believe in you, encourage you, and teach you about grace are also your community, even if you've never actually met them.
  4. When you feel like giving up - really seriously throwing in the towel - community will keep you in the game.  Community is comprised of the people who will not let you quit because they see your destiny while you just see your temporary.  
  5. Your community will let you process and then reel you back in. As an extrovert, I am an external processor.  I have externally processed to the wrong people many many times.  I always know that I am processing through things with my community when they let me go for a few minutes and then reel me back in and it never compromises our relationship or trust. 
Sometimes (at least for me) it takes a change of pace to realize how rich your life really is.  Over the last 8 months, I have recognized the value of real community.  And through that recognition, I have also realized that your real community is your real community no matter where you go.

Happy Tuesday, friends!

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