Monday, August 13, 2012

direction for the journey.

There's one phrase in the English language that I believe holds more weight and significance than any other phrase; thank you. 

In thinking of all of the opportunities I've been afforded over the years, my heart is overwhelmed with gratitude.  Were it not for those who believed in me, provided for me, sowed into my future, supported my dreams and were always for me, I most certainly would not be where I am.  There's a lot of power in those 8 letters.  There's a lot of sentiment in them as well.  One of the greatest lessons I've ever learned is that no matter where I am, what I'm doing and what the specifics of my season look like, I will always have time and reason to say thanks.

About a month or so ago, I took a step in faith at the Lord's prompting, not really knowing the 'why' or direction of my future.  I officially stepped down as a member of the praise and worship team at my church and invited the Lord to do what he always does -- light the otherwise dark path ahead of me and give me the resources to start the journey.  As with any other journey, I learned quickly that I would have to be patient and flexible listening intently for God's direction.  For a while I've had bits and pieces of dreams and desires but wasn't exactly sure how they would all fit together to form a tangible direction for my future.   Since I graduated from my undergrad program, I've known that I wanted to go back and continue my education.  I've known for about a year that I wanted to deepen my understanding of the Word of God and ability to minister by attending ministry school.  I've known that the window for my time in Boone was closing. I just didn't know how all of those things would fit together.

I found out that a couple friends of mine were starting an awesome school of ministry here in Boone and I knew I wanted to do it, but I also knew that I didn't have anywhere to live in December and I needed to discern if the Lord was really opening that door.  Of course, the ministry school meets on Tuesday evenings at the same exact time that Praise Team rehearses.  That was my first confirmation that this may be the direction.  Then, in a way that could only be from the Lord, I was given a place to live in December through May and the opportunity to save money for my next step in the process.  I'm so thankful that because I was (reluctantly - thank you flesh) obedient to the voice of the Lord, I have been able to move forward and pursue some of my dreams, and I'm so grateful to those who have prayed, encouraged and provided housing along the way.  I was stubborn and fearful, and He was bigger than me yet again.  What a blessing. 

It's with great excitement that I announce that as of about 10 minutes ago, I officially enrolled in ministry school starting in September and lasting until May here in Boone.  I am expectant, believing that as the Lord leads me, I will learn more in this next 8 months than I have in my last 7 years combined.  I want to be able to minister in the way that I've been called to minister.  I know that ministry school, while challenging, will prepare me even more for a future that I cannot yet see.  I'm thankful for the opportunity.

One more big thing -- following the conclusion of ministry school in May, I will be starting graduate school at UNCG.  Yes, more dreams becoming realities.   I don't know all of the specifics yet, but I do know that this is a big step and will be a huge transition.  If you're reading this and you pray, please pray for me as I need a lot of wisdom and clarity.  I have a lot of huge decisions to make.  One thing I know for sure -- the Lord will provide for my needs and I have no reason to fear.  Just as he is the author of our faith, he's also the finisher.  He's the finisher of seasons.  He's the perfecter of plans.  He knows the way and I'm just along for the ride.  Thank you, father, for so sweetly lining up my journey to not only be encouraging but rewarding.     

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so incredibly excited for you! praise God from whom all blessings flow!