Thursday, May 26, 2011

where's your impact?

The thing about having an impact is that we don't always get to see it. But, and I think you'll agree with me on this, just because you don't get to see a thing doesn't mean you don't know that it exists. Right? Being aware that you're called to be the exception is great, but where is your impact?

Making an impact takes focus. It takes determination, ability, desire, ambition, wisdom, strength, humility, and selflessness. Making an impact is not about public recognition or about people singing your praises, it's about knowing that you've done all that you can to encourage, motivate, believe in, and praise someone else. Hold up. Yes, I just said someone else. I believe strongly that as we're called to carry the cross and to live Jesus-like lives to the best of our ability, we are certainly called to do all that we can to make others feel like they're worth the effort. I believe that covenant relationships exist. I believe that seasonal relationships exist. I believe that the Lord does equip us in different seasons to "pour into" different types of people, but we have to be careful that what we're pouring out is making a significant impact for the Kingdom. It's all about the Kingdom, and it's all about the Lord, and when that settles in your spirit, you have a desire to do and say what it takes to leave people better than you found them.

If you're spending time with someone and you don't leave feeling like you've either given or received encouragement, that relationship needs to be checked.

I do not for one second believe that kindness, generosity, and selfless love are things of the past. In a world where the most widespread notion is to do all you can to get by for yourself, you have to be the one committed to standing out. You need to be making an effort to do all that you can to better the lives of others, and it should be ingrained in you that you're not doing it for your own glory, but that you're doing it for God's glory. It should never be an option to not honor the Lord with your impact.

Be encouraged today knowing that your strength comes from a God who fills you up so that you might pour out. He gives you everything and more that you'll need to be all that you can be for the Kingdom, and furthermore, He asks simply that we bless others so that they might receive that revelation as well. Do all that you can do to make sure that you're giving generously of yourself so that others benefit and see the love of the Lord through you. That is what we're called to do. Being chosen to have a life of impact is not always easy. It's not always fun or full of joy or convenient or desired. But it is always worth it. Think of it this way: what you do for others, you're doing for the Kingdom. That can go both ways, but make an effort for your words and actions to edify the Kingdom. When you're building someone else up, you're building up the Kingdom.

Impact and honor are synonymous. You be committed to making a sacrificial impact, and the Lord will get the honor. He delights in those that continually seek Him. Seek Him with your whole heart and His delight in you will inspire you to make an impact.

Impact is not seasonal, it's forever life-changing.

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