Friday, June 28, 2013

The "S" Word

The funny thing about my relationship with the big G-O-D is that it's ever evolving.  I learn more about who He is and who I want to be all the time.  I haven't always known Him.  In fact, I was once confused, insecure, unsure of myself and others, dishonest and disobedient.  And I'm not talking spiritually here, I'm talking about in real honest life.  I'm talking I have another thing coming if/when I ever have to deal with teenagers of my own.  It wasn't until I made my first choice to surrender (the "S" word) that I first heard Him. On the parkway, on a blanket, on a beautiful day.  My twenty year old self sat on that blanket and for the first time, heard the big G speak wisdom to my struggling heart.  If it weren't for that encounter, I wouldn't really know him. 

Webster's says this of that s-word:


verb \sə-ˈren-dər\
a: to give (oneself) up into the power of another
b: to give (oneself) over to something (as an influence)
Here's the thing (and maybe this is where you're at today):  Transition is hard.  It's not a natural thing to trust everything you have to a God who everyone talks about but you can't see.  It's not easy to give your life over on the hope that what you feel is true actually IS true.  Faith can be such a transient concept in these little lives of ours.  I want to tell you that s-wording your life to let the big G do what he wants to do is harder than hard, even for the most serious and devoted of believers. BUT, I also want to encourage you by saying that s-wording your life over to the all-knowing God enables His purpose to become yours.  It's ultimately fulfilling.  This morning, as my co-workers and I were singing "I Surrender All," I was just hit with this overwhelming peace.  I realized that real true yielding to the holy spirit is easy.  It's you trusting that this life isn't about just you and committing to following your convictions.  It really is "all to Jesus, I surrender (yield), all to Him I FREELY give (on my own volition).  I will ever love and trust Him, in his presence, daily live."
Those are some powerful thoughts, ya'll!  I surrender ALL - my fear, my control, my decisions, my safety, my health.  I surrender them all, not because God doesn't want me to enjoy life, but because He's the only one who can direct me to the most abundant life.  I surrender all because His power directs my purpose.  I surrender all because His influence empowers my dreams. 
My last post was on normal being boring.  And it definitely is.  I have spent my entire life up until this point not wanting to stick out.  Why do we think that way?  The beautiful thing about life is that we're all different.  My desires and dreams should never be shaped by what others think about them.  Surrendering is beautiful because once we recognize that we're at the mercy of a master's hand, we also realize that our lives are headed in different directions.  All on purpose.  He made us to stand out.  That's how we stay entertained.  If we can learn how to love people through their decisions and really learn how to support their dreams, we'll all be building the Kingdom on earth together.  First, we have to be ok with yielding and letting the creator do what he does best, create.

1 comment:

Winter said...

Laura Jo! This is something I really needed to hear. Thank you,