Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Redefining Normal

If you're anything like me, you enjoy stability.  I enjoy having a quasi-plan.  I enjoy some level of routine.  Somewhere along the line, I convinced myself that having a "normal" life was in my best interest.  I wanted to live a life where I could do something I liked, provide for myself and occasionally partake in adventures that satisfied my desire to step outside of my comfort zone.  How boring!  Thankfully, one Friday morning last August, Jesus got my attention and told me to redefine my normal. 

I'm reminded of the song "Oceans" by Hillsong.  The first line is - "You call me out upon the waters, the great unknown where feet may fail."  You want to know what is so cool about redefining my normal and walking into the great unknown?  The way God always comes through.  If my feet start failing, it doesn't matter because I'm not in charge of my destiny anyway.  What good is dreaming if we have constant control over every outcome?  I'm giving up all of my security to be vulnerable before a God who always shows up.  Really, it's a win-win for me.  I'm pursuing my dreams, and guys I have NO CLUE what to expect, but I do know that God will show up and lead me.  He's not a wishy-washy, unrelatable God.  He's real!  He's relational!  He knows that I'm scared.   Part of redefining my normal has been learning how to let fear motivate me rather than hold me back.   

Let me let you in on a little secret about me -- public speaking terrifies me.  I mean honestly, my emotional reaction prior to speaking is a little excessive.  My heart and mind are always racing a thousand miles a second.  Ironically, everyone who has ever heard me speak in public always tells me how calmly I execute my message.  In my (required) public speaking class in college, my professor told me that I was one of the strongest public speakers he'd ever encountered.  UM, what?!  Come again?? 

The reactions never meet the expectations I've set for myself.  They're way better.  And that's how I know God is in this thing.  His outcome is always exceedingly better.  But first, we have to loosen our grip on our own mediocre expectations and just be obedient.

I made a decision last August to stop living "normally" and to go after my dreams.  No one is going to change my life for me, but me.  I have been completely blown away by God's faithfulness and steadiness over the last 10 months.  He just keeps showing up, working things out and giving me ZERO chance to back out. 

So, here I am, just redefining normal.  Actually, I don't know that I ever really want to have a new "normal."  I kind of just want to let go and see where the Lord leads.  Honestly, it's been so exciting and I cannot wait to see what happens as time progresses. 

God is for you!  He believes in and supports your dreams, and he loves that you're dreaming.  Keep dreaming and don't be afraid to sacrifice your normal to see Him show up. 

1 comment:

Patricia Roland said...

A beautiful article.
I know that God has led me for the last 78 years yesterday. Keep the dream!
Aunt Pat