Friday, July 6, 2012

Prisons and the power of the Lord

Hello! Today we were given te incredible opportunity to minister in a women's "maximum security" (by Ecuador's standards) prison. I've never done anything like that before but it was the real deal for sure. We were not allowed to bring anything in (including earrings and pens) and from the second that we walked through the large gate the Lord began to shift that atmosphere from hopeless to hopeful and expectant. Through dramas and powerful testimonies our team of 25 saw 150+ women in that prison come to Christ and be overwhelmed by the power of the holy spirit. There are no words.

Then we were invited to minister in the largest Christian church in the city. If you can imagine the holy spirit moving even MORE than he did at the prison, that's what happened. We presented one powerful drama and people began to come individually and in groups to receive salvation, prayer for their families, healing and transformation. As the spirit was moving people who formerly had pain in their backs no longer had back pain. People with stomach issues came forward and were all instantly healed. An entire family who had been bound by the lies and tricks of the enemy were freed. We prayed over little children. We prayed over adults. Our team was prayed for and the spirit didn't skip us either. We ministered to literally every single person in the building, even those who didn't want to be ministered to.

Something crazy exciting incredible awesome amazing only Jesus is happening in Ecuador!

I love y'all. That was only day 2. Ahhh!!


Anonymous said...

Now this is a real blessing to read this! God is using you in a mighty way! This calls for a Shazzam!

Allan T. Sawyer, MD said...

Laura, God can use you in incredible ways when you are far outside of your comfort zone. It is only there, outside of your comfort zone, that there leaves no doubt that the power did not come from you. Being there is a wonderful vantage point to see His beautiful and amazing work. Allan Sawyer