so, lots going on in LJB world these days....mostly preparing for my trip to Ecuador through paying more attention to the call of the Lord as well as spending time investing in people and gleaning from their wisdom. Here are a few prayer requests:
- pray for unity to stay among our team. these people are awesome and i mean capital A awesome.
- pray against fear and anxiety that could arise at any point. we believe that we were created to be at peace. so we will be.
- pray for our team leaders, Vanessa and Kate. what a great job (as in monumental) they have of leading the team from summit. pray for wisdom and patience and joy and all things GOOD!
- pray for our travel time, including our half-day training session in Miami.
here's my team so you can know who you're praying for:
back row (L to R): Kate Odgers, me, Martha, Seth, Houston
front row (L to R): Vanessa, Ciara, Kim, Kate Houston
I've been spending a lot of time at home this summer it seems. My sweet mom needs lots of company and support so I've been going home and enjoying
really super extra hot Greensboro lately. I also dog sat for mom's dog for 2 weeks so we had some Boone adventures together. I realized that at this point in my life I'm not ready for a dog, and that he's not a Boonie.
you may have noticed my obsession with photographing this exact moment in my drive home. |
goofball roadtrip with the most interesting dog friend. |
Also, you may remember yesterday was a day dedicated to all the super-stellar awesome incredible friends and leaders we call dad. I am honored to have one of the best. He knows me well. He knows everything that I don't know (which is A LOT). He knows how to fix things and he always gives level-headed advice. He's also great at being hilarious. Thanks for being a super dad. Love you pops.
excited for a beautiful rest of the summer!
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