Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Just an update.

Hi there :)  I've been so blessed in the last little bit of my life and it's been incredible.  Today I just want to share from a grateful heart of all my blessings and encounters that have shaped me into the person that I am today. 

Today is day 5 on my new job.  Every single day has been a challenge for sure but each day has also seriously been the biggest blessing.   I am working with people with hearts to touch those in desperate need in Haiti and it has been so incredible to see how much my volunteers sacrifice to touch those in need.  I just got off the phone with a volunteer in Canada and she was talking about how blessed she had been by SP and I responded "I'm truly the blessed one because I'm coordinating for the BEST volunteers in the world."  It's volunteers are the best, most generous, most gracious and most humble volunteers in the world.  I appreciate them and appreciate every single step in the journey that has led me to this desk at this minute with this calling and assignment. 

The Lord doesn't do anything on accident.  I always say that when I graduated and started with SP that I landed my dream job right off the bat and that was true.  That season came to an end and I had to move into another job, but to think that a year later I'd be right back where I started, living the dream literally and excited to go to work everyday is the most undeserved privelege.

Moving on from job land (because I could talk about it all day, but won't bore you), we had our first team Ecuador meeting on Sunday night.  This team is unreal ya'll...I don't know how the Lord even found all these perfect team members to come together as one and love Ecuador.  We are in the process of learning some dramas and skits (hilarious) and just bonding together and enjoying each other as we grow together!  Just 38 short days until we fly out for Quito -- CRAZY!  and so exciting :)

Today a co-worker approached me to talk about division in our office.  Let me preface this by saying that this is the last person I would have ever expected to confront the issue of division head on, but she did and I was so honored that the Lord let me speak to her about the importance of moving forward in love and continuing the believe the best.  I have to admit that I was a little caught off guard because the particular experience she chose to talk about was a little bit of a hard subject because I had to answer on someone else's behalf, and that is NEVER easy.  It really challenged me to encourage myself about believing that at the core of people is the innate desire to be good, to lift others up and to show love through relationship.  I'm very thankful to be in a broken and divided office beacuse it means that through love we can start to mend relationships here.  Historically there's been a lot of gossip and other unecessary dividers going on here, but I'm excited that as we move forward together, we get to see the real Jesus stand up in here and change lives.  That is such an honor to be a part of!

I realize that this blog has just been an update on life and a few cool Jesus things, but thanks for reading :)  Praying you are filled with the most joy today as you begin to see the Lord move in your life!

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