Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Reflections on an exceedingly blessed life.

So, I was sitting at my kitchen table on Saturday morning and I was addressing lots of support letters (see the online version below) and I was overcome by such an incredible feeling of gratitude.  It is seriously unbelievable to me that this girl from Summerfield, NC could be experiencing such things at such an early stage in life.  Ecuador makes my tenth mission trip in general and my third out of country trip.  To be able to sit at a desk most days and see people touch the nations and then to be able to actually GO and touch the nations are two totally different things, each offering so many reasons to be grateful.

I'm so thankful first and foremost to serve a God who allows me to be exceedingly blessed.  He doesn't have to let me walk a favored life, but He does.  Since graduating college, I've landed an awesome job that not only provides for my needs in life but lets me see that the world is so much bigger than me and that people are willing to serve on their own accord just because they're good.  I've also been able to walk through the last several years of my life plugged into a wonderful house and under the leadership of the region's most selfless and encouraging pastor.  I've also been able to travel all over and spend time pouring into people and consequently being poured into.  I also have such a supportive family who will one day understand the joy and love that fills my heart.  Finally, I've been given opportunity after opportunity to grow and develop and mature, spurred on by friends that I couldn't put a price on even if I tried.  You guys are invaluable and such an integral part of my success in life and ministry. 

As I've been praying and seeking the Lord and asking Him to really prepare my heart for this trip, I've already learned a couple really important things.  My desire for this trip is that it really be set apart from my other trips in regards to what I contribute.  I don't want to go to Ecuador beacuse it's a really cool country with really beautiful people.  I want to go to Ecuador and give every single ounce of myself to introducing those people to the overwhelming and fulfilling love of the Lord.  I don't want to go for myself, I want to be used totally as a vessel that honors the Lord.  So far I've learned that it's not about me -- from the finances to the actual duties of the trip -- it's not about me because it's about Jesus.  I can't be worried about the details because God wants to take care of them.  So I'm believing in full faith that what I encounter in Ecuador, though it may be tough to see, will be just another opportunity to love people to fullness in Christ.  I believe every mission trip changes you for the better, but I fully expect to come back and to never be the same.  I'm praying that this trip be the catalyst to a real life full of missions, wherever I'm supposed to be. 

I'll probably say thank you a lot over the next few months, but the reality is that no matter how many times I say it, I cannot even begin to express the full level of gratitude that I have for you, for every single word uttered in prayer, for every single penny in financial support, and for every single ounce of love poured out on my behalf.  YOU are the reason this life is worth it, just know it.  Thank you, with my whole heart, for committing to seeing my life be used for the glory of the Lord.

Ecuador Countdown:  Departing in 114 days!

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