That really inspired me to think about what it means to be well-lit. I started thinking about all of the things in our lives that drive us. For some of us, a belief that there is something more, some sort of divine intervention drives us. For some of us, passion to be the very best we can be and the very happiest we can be drives us. For some of us, the need to show others that we are 100% capable and worth it drives us. What is it that drives you?
I am very motivated by pursuing my dreams. The thing about dreams though is that they are ever-evolving. For example, I, at one time, had a dream to be a teacher, and now that couldn't be further from the truth. You aren't bound and locked down by your dreams. You are freed up by your dreams. If, over the course of time, a dream completely changes or takes on new direction, that is OK! Dreams give you the freedom to pursue what is best for you, and what is best for you is something that only you can decide. I am also very motivated by what those whom I respect think about my choices. If you know me at all, you know I seek the advice and mentorship of other, more experienced, people often. I believe that there is nothing that compares to hearing the advice of people who love you. Another thing that really motivates me is being able to invest in people. I enjoy what I like to call "deep water friendship." If you can find a friend that will tread the deep water with you, that is a friend worth investing in.
The truth that I learned from flying over a big, well-lit, city this weekend was that light only comes from within when whatever is being lit is in its proper place. Think of it this way: If you plug a lamp into a non-working socket, the lamp will not light up. It is not in the proper place to function correctly. The same is true for us. We have to find what motivates us, what moves us to make a difference, and "plug ourselves in" to those things. No matter the risk, no matter the challenge, no matter the process, being where you want to be and doing what makes you happy is always worth it.
Just like well-lit cities from an airplane, we look so much more alive when we are lit up from that which drives our passion. Go after it today, friends!
For fun, here are some pictures from my weekend (but it was way better than could ever be summed up in pictures). In case you were wondering, this was my first time ever visiting DC and I am now a raving fan.
Thankful for this sweet friend who constantly supports, advises and encourages my life and dreams. What a gem. |
Who doesn't love Abe Lincoln?! |
Even in scaffolding, the monument/reflecting pool is awesome. |
A shot while leaving the city from the metro ride to the airport. |