What would life be like if fear was a foreign concept? If we had no reservations when going after our dreams? If we loved people the way they deserved to be loved? If we invested everything we had into a vision? If we did what makes us happy regardless of what it might cost us?
If you're thinking "wow, those are great propositions but highly irresponsible!", allow me to challenge your thinking a little bit. This isn't a blog post about extreme living and forsaking all responsibility in order to live a fun life. This is a blog post about chaneling our fear and using it to our advantage. It's about going after what we've always dreamed of and stopping the wait that often lasts a lifetime. It's about making possible what seems impossible. It's about living life to the fullest so that when you lay down at night, you feel fulfilled. The concept seems edgy, but it's not, it's just foreign to us. Doing what fulfills us seems irresponsible and rash, but it's really just an underutilized concept.
When I was younger I was terrified of storms. I mean any storm, in any capacity had me in tears and incredibly anxious. I remember my parents used to tell me it was completely fine, that the storm was only temporary, but I was still scared. The anxiety wouldn't quit. I vividly remember being at softball practice one day (I think I was in 8th grade). My dad was there sitting on the bleachers as he often and faithfully was. It was beautifully sunny and super hot. Practice was only about halfway over when clouds started rolling in and thunder started rumbling way in the distance. I had conditioned myself to assume the worst and at that moment, the fear started gripping me. My heart started racing and my breathing became labored. I ran over to the fence and motioned for my dad to come talk to me. I burst into tears and begged him to let me leave practice because of the impending storm. He then said words that forever changed my life: "Laura, this storm does not control you. Practice isn't over until your coach calls it. You will practice through your tears and fear and you will be fine." From that moment, the fear of storms stopped tormenting me. My dad forced me to face fear head on and walk it out. And I am forever grateful. Plus can you imagine a 25 year old deathly afraid of some thunder and lightening?! :)
My point is this - we have to learn to face our fears and live with boldness if we want to live the abundant life. No matter where you stand religiously, philosophically or morally, this is a concept that transcends all differences in belief systems. This is a concept that has the potential to wreck our lives for the better. It has the power to turn our normal lives upside down. It's a concept that will teach you the truth - in life, YOU WIN. Everyone wins when people start succeeding at living happily.
Courage is the motivation that grants us victory over our fears. Fear never had a place anyway, we were created to live a courageous life. Even if you have white knuckles, shaking hands and an unsure voice, I challenge you today to go after your dreams with all belief in yourself. The world is waiting for you to transform it. Life counts the most when we hold on tight and press on anyway!