This world is full of lost people. I always wonder, how do people who don't know the life-altering transforming love of God make it through life? I mean, life can be rough. Bad things happen, people perish, humanly love happens and then unhappens. We, as humans, have the tendency to let life lead us to a place where we don't even recognize our surroundings. We are predisposed to becoming lost. The reassuring thing to me is that though I know on my own I'd be lost, I'm thankful for a God who found me. But, what about the people who don't know the love that found me in my hours of despair?
Am I doing a good job showing people that love? I mean I desire to be the kind of person who shows unceasing love to others. But the reality is that I'm not always on my a-game. I feel unloved by my family and I shut it down. I feel frustrated and I shut it down. I feel annoyed and I shut it down. The list could go on and on, but my point is that I want to be the kind of person who's heart is so radically transformed by the love of God that I never have the option to stop that love from pouring out of me at all times.
Lost people deserve to benefit from the overflow of love available in the hearts of the found.
Lately, I've seen and felt God love me in every way possible. I just found out on Good Friday that I have been accepted into the graduate program I was seeking. Underserving but loved. Then, four days later, I received a phone call from the director naming me the fellow for a large charitable foundation in Greensboro. Just like that, my entire first year of grad school was paid for in full.
I remember distinctly driving down Rivers Street one night months ago and as I passed the SRC, I remember blurting out loud - "Jesus I believe you for crazy things. I'm believing that I can go back to grad school 100% debt free." I prayed for that, and I believed for it, and He did it. Not because I should have been the recipient of some crazy blessing, but because He loves me.
So, here's the official annoucement - I'm moving home to Greensboro in August to start a new adventure on the farm with my dad and stepmom. It'll be different and I'm sure new challenges will arise. But, I'll be living out a long time dream of pursuing my Master's degree. And I'll be surrounded with lots of opportunties to love the lost and to bring light and truth to areas where religion has been oppressive. Pray for me. I'd really love that. Leaving Boone, a place that I've made home over the past 7 years, will be hard undoubtedly. I have come to love this little home of mine, but I know that that which is ahead is bigger and better than anything even my dreams have imagined.
I have an overwhelming desire to reach the lost in my new season. People, no matter their circumstances, worldly identities, life choices or family histories deserve to know that victory is theirs. The truth is that we define ourselves by our circumstances all the time, but God sent his son to die so that WE (yes you & I and all your friends too) could live the abundant life. I want to encourage you today to think of being Jesus to people. Show them love and watch them come running. And open your arms and embrace them like the Father when they do.