Monday, February 27, 2012

picturing summer...

I'm so excited to now be able to talk about my plans for the summer...I'm going to Ecuador!  My church is partnering with Dominic Russo ministries and I'll be blessed to spend about 8 days in Quito, Ecuador taking God's love to the streets.  Stay tuned for more awesome information about this trip and partnering with me if you would like...but for now, check out this video!  love.

The 2012 Missions.Me Promo from Missions.Me on Vimeo.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

day of love.

Normally, I'm not someone who harps on Valentine's day...either positively or negatively.  I do really really love holidays of all sorts, so I do naturally have a love for celebrating people on this day.  However, I realized something this year that sets this Valentine's day apart from the other 23 I've celebrated in my life.  Yesterday I realized that though I attempt to make every day a day to love on and bless others, that today I should especially walk in love toward those that I'm around.  Not because it's mandatory on February 14th yearly, or because Hallmark has set the precendent for love, OR even because, on this day alone, America will spend 14.7 BILLION dollars "showing" people that they love them...but because Christ in me manifests himself outwardly through the way I love others and especially through the way I regard this day.  No bad attitudes about being single here, because the love of my Father is all I really need, and because of that love, it's easy for me be gracious and appreciative toward others.  Check this out:

Friends, we should be walking in love daily, really.  But especially today, when people are open and receptive to the idea of love, and when the range of emotions is so vast on how those that surround you are feeling, walk with an extra dose of love in mind.  Tell someone that you appreciate them.  Say something encouraging.  Take someone who also doesn't have plans to dinner.  Hand out Justin Bieber valentines.  Listen, it doesn't matter what you do, but do it in love.  Lord knows I'm not perfect and I fail a lot (a lot!), but I'm committed this day to walking in an extra covering of love, because my Father first loved me.  That's all it's about. 

Because God first loved us, our ability to walk in the love of Christ runs its full course in every good thing we do.

Have a great day sweet readers :)